Wednesday 6 May 2009

Blog Questionaire

Age ? 30

Sex? Male

What is your degree? Philosophy joint Religious studies

Does 'Being Bad relate well to the other subjects? Yes

If so how? And if not, why not? In some sense being bad does relate to my degree subject Philosophy. The morality and ethical views and people actions are open to great debate as to why people do bad things knowing that it is wrong. The consequences of their actions Philosophy questions and explains why people do them.

Have you found Being Bad to demanding, to easy, or at an appropriate level? I found this module at a moderate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? The topic that i would like to included is Murder. I know it is more than being bad but not all murders are evil.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes but there could of been more interaction in the lectures between students.

What do you think of the module team? The module team worked well together the module team made the module fun and interesting.

Do you think it would of been better to have had more: Discussions and debate amongst the classes as a whole? Yes

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary/ drawing on perspective from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics: do you think this is a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes and No some people may benefit from this format however some students may find that interdisciplinary modules have no relevance to what they are studying.

Are you planning too take the follow up module PH2004 "It shouldn't be allowed at level 2? Maybe

Would you recommend 'Being Bad' to a friend? Yes

Do you think that the blogs (web blogs) were a good idea? Yes

What do you think of the other assessments eg would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter assessments? Creative Writing was good it gives students a chance to attempt different writing skills. I don't think a longer assessment would of been better the way the assessments were structured balances the workload and makes more interesting.

What parts of the module have you found useful and why? The part of the module i found useful were the blogs. Before this i never knew what a blog was never mind setting one up. Doing this and working with the Internet and computer as given me more confidence in using computers and searching the Internet.

What parts did you think was a waste of time and why? There were no parts of the module i found to be a waste of time.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Response Sharone blog

Your absolutely right people who sponge of the state and have no intention of working are bone idol and lazy. It cost the tax payers to much money and yes something should be done about it. It doesn't help those who are honest and need help financially to look work. The government in this country are to soft they should follow some countries and make the dishonest one work for their benefit.

Comment on alesha blog

I don't think it is right to get rid of a unwanted baby and i am not saying it is right to do so because it is morally wrong to take a life. Some people do it for the serious reasons and there are some who do it over and over again. These people should take the right precaution and take responsibility and use contraception. Cause there are some people who cannot have children and would do anything to have a child

Comment on Becky blog

I find your blog interesting about people who are rude and bad mannered. My mother always taught me to always say please and thank you manners and politeness will get you far in life. Your treat those how you would like to be treated those customers who are rude don't pay them no mind you are doing your job and from the sound of it a good person who is better than them.

Comment on Nics blog

Me too that is one thing i dispise is spitting. There is no excuse for it spitting here and anywhere if you have to spit do it discreetly. What i cant stand is when i see a woman spitting i find it revolting, unattractive and not lady like. Yes your right spitting is a filthy habit to have

Comment on Salma blog

I agree with your comment in your blog about incest it is sick which is beyond my comprehension. I too cannot understand why someone would want to have a sexual relationship or whatever you call it with a blood relation. It makes you wonder what the world is coming too. The story about Josef Fritzel made me cringe all over this man is a monster!

Comment on Robs being bad

Read your blog on drug dealers i agree people that sell drugs are wrong to do so because yes it does destroy lives and is bad for the community. Many people who sell drugs say they do because life is hard or employment does not pay enough to survive on. Whatever their reason it is morally wrong.

Comment to Kate column

Some comedians are rude and insensitive. Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand are very good at what they do but i thought they were more professional than that. What posses them to make a sick joke about someones gran daughter they intruded on someones right to privacy. How would they feel if someone made a sick joke about a member of their family.

Comment to Alexandre blog

I love your blog on racism i found it invigorating to read. As a young black man i am strongly cultured but i also believe any form of racism or bigotry should not exist. All people of colour from all walks of life should not be discriminated against and have the right to live in peace. We all bleed the same colour blood. Obama is definitely a big step forward!

Comment on Jaymonds cheeky blog on bullying

Bullying is very bad behaviour i don't like people who bully other people i find it disturbing. When i was in secondary school i had a best friend who was bullied every time he was bullied i would stick up for him and i wanted to bully the bullies. The best way to tackle bullies is to stand up to them and never back down they will soon get bored and leave you alone. Bullies are cowards they know who to bully and who not too.

Saturday 2 May 2009


The question if euthanasia is morally right posses many questions. Euthanasia is the authorised or intentional killing of a human being which is usually carried out by lethal injection. This practice is legal in countries i.e Columbia and the Netherlands it was made legal in Belgium in 2002.

The questions raised in regards to euthanasia is it right to end the life of a human being if they are experiencing excruciating pain who is terminally ill? If it is right under what circumstances is it right to do so. Would you say there is any difference in killing a person or allowing someone to die be it lawfully or not?

Euthanasia is often termed 'mercy killing' this is associated with patients who is enduring unbearable pain over a long time. If a patient refuses any form of medical treatment and dies this is not euthanasia. The word euthanasia originated from the Greeks meaning 'easy death'.

Most people go through euthanasia because of the severe pain they are going through and because the loss of dignity unable to have control over their body and life. In my opinion it should be a person right to die if they are terminally sick and suffering serious pain.

Friday 1 May 2009


Littering is one of the worst anti-social behaviours that affects the enviorment and quality of life. People who throw rubbish onto the ground are committing an criminal offence as well as contributing to pollution. Littering is a an offence under Section 87 of the Enviorment Protection Act 1990. These are anyone who drops litter in the street or public area, leaving litter on the bench or leaving furniture and walking away furthermore it is also an offence to throw litter from your car.

Depositing litter unlawfully can carry a fine up to £50 and if you refuse to pay you can face conviction which carries a whopping fine up to £2500.

So have some thought about the enviorment and dispose of your rubbish properly you will feel good and it keeps the enviorment clean and lovely!

Comment to Dave's blog

I disagree to your comments made in your blog regarding homosexuals i wouldn't say that homosexuality is bad i believe it is not natural and defies the natural law of physics. I agree that some people maybe cant help that they are homosexual but then what would you say about those who are bisexual, these individuals choose to have sexual relations with both sexes. And to make the statement that some people cannot help being homosexual in the same way a person cannot help the colour of their skin or gender is not the same thing in my opinion. I agree that every persons should be treated equally and fairly never mind their sexual preferences i believe homosexuality is not natural.

Wednesday 29 April 2009


Speeding might give you a buzz and may seem fun but driving fast can be very dangerous. The Department of Transport are very clear on this matter "driving to fast is bad driving"

Driving at extreme speeds is the main cause in car accidents, statistics show that driving at 20mph involving an accident with a pedestrian there is a 1 in 40 chance the pedestrian will be killed. Driving at 30mph at this speed the pedestrian as a 1 in 5 chance of being killed. At 35mph there is a 1 in 2 chance and at 40mph the pedestrian as a 9 in 10 chance of being killed.

Every year speed is the vital factor in over 1000 fatal car accidents yet 65% of people in the UK still drive at very high speeds, despite 84% of the population disapproving of it.

Speeding is more common in young people despite only 1 in 10 drivers under the age of 25 this group signifies the highest percentage of fatal car accidents in relation to speeding.

Speeding might be fun but it is seriously dangerous and illegal to do so and if caught you can face imprisonment and loose your licence!

Sunday 26 April 2009

Alcohol Abuse

It is estimated that 1.8 million peoples die from alcohol abuse every year globally. In the United Kingdom alone the 2002 National Statistics reported that alcohol related deaths have doubled from 4,144 in 1991 to 8,386 in 2005, alcohol related deaths are more common in men than females with males accounting for more than two thirds of the death toll. Those living in deprived communities are more likely to be affected by alcohol related deaths.

Consuming to much alcohol over a long period of time can often cause physical damage such as hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure which can result to strokes, damage to the brain, heart disease, neurological complications such as epilepsy and numerous types of vitamin deficiency. Alcohol abuse is also linked to obesity, sexual difficulties, infertility, muscle disease and skin problems.
Along with the physical effects of long term alcohol abuse psychological problems are often common with increase in anxiety, depression, mood swings, violence and suicide.
You should drink alcohol in moderation and not abuse it. If you think you have a problem or want to seek further information there are a list of links below to click on for further information.

Thursday 23 April 2009


Ambien, Ativan, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Marijuana, Morphine, Heroin, Codeine, Vicodin, Methadone, Opium are all commonly abused drugs.

Drugs may seem to relieve mental and physical anguish but research shows that using and abusing drugs creates and causes more serious problems. Over a long period of time the abuser will become more reliant on the drug showing signs of drug addiction, they become difficult to converse with, experience withdrawal symptoms and other forms of peculiar behaviours.

Drugs abuse can lead to harder drugs been consumed because the abuser body will eventually adapt to the presence of the drugs, therefore the purpose of getting high will decrease. This then creates a vicious circle taking more and more of the drug not to just to get high but purely just to survive.

The abusers behaviour can also affect their family relationship, workplace and the community. Many illnesses can stem from drug abuse due to poor living conditions and habits.

Anyone who takes any form of drug should be cautious because drugs are dangerous never mind some drugs being illegal and against the law.

Wednesday 22 April 2009


This subject i don't want to go into to much as i seriously find it disturbing, troubling and entirely wrong words simply cannot explain.

Approximately five to nine children are abducted and killed each year in England and Wales, on average there are ten attacks on children occurring each day. 64% of convicted paedophiles will re offend after four years of their first conviction. 30% of paedophiles have committed this horrific crime on at least ten victims.

Home Office studies shows there are approximately 11o,000 convicted paedophiles living in the United Kingdom despite experts predicting this figure is as high as 230,000, with only 5,000 registered on the sex offenders list.

Paedophiles should be castrated and locked away forever, no society and country should ordain this evil behaviour from any adult. This is a total violation of a child innocence and personally i should keep my opinions to myself because this is something i am strongly against.

I am in total support of the Sarah Payne Law!

Saturday 18 April 2009


Prostitution is the offering of sex for the means of financial gain this profession is regarded has one the oldest professions in the world since the beginning of civilisation. Most prostitutes are mainly woman however men are known to sell their bodies.

Prostitution itself is not illegal in the United Kingdom however to hold and control a prostitute or run a brothel for obtaining money is illegal. Prostitution is linked to crime such as drugs and violence.

In the UK it is estimated that around 80,000 people participate in prostitution which amounts to one billion with mostly males paying for sex.

The Home Office review on 'Tackling the Demand for Prostitution' November 2008 confirmed that if convicted of kerb crawling you could be slammed with a thousand pound fine, lose your driving licence or disclose your antics to your family and friends.$366674.htm

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Domestic Violence

Men who hit woman are cowards!
Domestic violence is the threatening behaviour between adults who have been or currently in a relationship this also goes on between family members which can include children, this behaviour can affect anyone of age, gender and sexuality.
Domestic violence can occur in any form such as sexually, emotional, physically and psychologically. This behaviour is usually a continuous pattern over a period of time where the abuser seeks and wants power and control over his partner or family member through unreasonable and in serious incidents violent behaviour.
This violent act happens across all cultures and soceities and although it is common in men abusing woman it is also quiet frequent in woman being the abuser towards men. Children can be greatly affected when they witness this behaviour between parents in the home and in some cases children are the ones who are abused. There is a strong link between domestic violence and child abuse.
Having witnessed this myself has a child it is something i have never forgotten and never will forgive my father for.

Monday 13 April 2009


In England and Wales suicide is the second most common cause of death in males between the age of 15-44 years of age, in 2005 there were 4,336 suicide deaths with three quarters being men.

People who are more likely at risk of suicide are those with a history of suicide attempts, a history of suicide deaths in the family and mental issues. The vital factors for a person at risk of suicide can be of a recent bereavement of a family member or close friend, an recent break up of very close or long relationship. Other factors redundancy and retirement, physical and mental illness, drug abuse, financial difficulties or a loss of a friend by suicide.

In teenagers between 15 and 19 girls are most likely to attempt suicide however boys are more likely to die from the result of suicide.

Suicide in Prisons

In 2002 85 men and 9 woman died from the result of suicide in prisons this increased by 40 per cent during the 1990s, with 2002 being the highest figure in 10 years. Those under the age of 21 on remand were highest at risk of suicide, in 1995 20 percent of suicide deaths were under 21 years of age which were mainly males.

Suicide is an sensitive topic that holds all the moral and ethical questions and arguments, anyone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts and would like to seek help or talk to anyone should ring the Samaritans line on 08457 90 90 90

Sunday 12 April 2009

animal cruelty

Although i don't own a pet i do love dogs how can anyone in their right mind harm this dog or any pet (animal) cruel wouldn't you agree!

The RSPCA released official figures last year claiming that animal cruelty as gone down by 20 percent the charity revealed that the 1,067 convictions in 2006 showed that people were starting to take in the seriousness of animal cruelty. The charity stated that despite more complaints about this cruel act there were fewer convictions.
Starvation is the worst and most common of animal deprivation dealt with by the RSPCA.
Animal cruelty is wrong if you want a pet or own a pet it is your obligation to love it and care for it and if you cannot manage give your pet to someone or an organisation that will.

Thursday 9 April 2009


Bullying can occur in various forms of abuse for example neglect, sexual, emotional, physical and racism. This can range from different things such as being called names, being pushed or pulled, physical abuse in anyway and threatening and intimidation. No one should go through the mental and physical abuse of bullying alone and there are organizations and people you can talk to and seek help and advice from.

15-25 children commit suicide due to bullying. Over a quarter of school pupils experience threats of violence whilist at school, with almost half of threats being carried out.10% of children miss school as a result of this and 75% of bullying occurs within male pupils.

Up to 40% of pupils state that teachers fail to recognise when bullying is taking place. It has also been recognised that 17% of calls to Childline are in relation to bullying, and that the most common age group that contact Childline are 12 years of age.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

under age sex

How troubling to hear about the boy Alfie Pattern who became a father at the age of 13 years old. The boy only four foot high looks more like ten years old. Alfie and Chantelle Steadman gave birth to a baby girl named Maise.
What as the world come too 'children having children' you cant entirely blame the parent or parents, however i put the question where were the parents and social services for a boy to be having sex at this very young age. At thirteen years of age Alfie is the second youngest in the UK to be a father.
What makes this story more shocking is other teenage boys have come forward claiming to be the father to the baby girl, how evident that this girl of fifteen has been having active sex.
It is ashame to say that the age for having sex gets younger and younger. Children should be children and having a baby at this age only takes a childs childhood away and consequently recreates a pattern in the generations to come.

Saturday 4 April 2009

Same sex relationships

Do you agree with same sex relationships? I don't have nothing against gays or lesbians everyone is entitled to live their life the way they want to. I just don't believe in same sex relationships. Anyway their is too many beautiful woman in the world i totally cant understand why a man would find another man attractive.

Same sex marriages otherwise known as gay marriages is the legal marriage between two individuals of the same sex. In sixteen countries same sex couples can be civilly united but not married with only six countries with specific jurisdiction. The Netherlands, Canada, Spain, Norway, Belgium and Sweden are the only countries with the legal system that regards same sex marriage precisely the same as opposite sex married couples.

The Netherlands were the first country to legalise same sex marriages in 2001. In the United Kingdom the civil partnership act (the CPA) 2004 became part of the British law in 2006. This law allows civil partners to have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples such as tax exemptions, joint property rights and shared parenting responsibility.

Many opponents like religious organisations sometimes argue that authorising marriage rights to same sex couples could undermine the basic conventional purpose of marriage which goes against Gods law and will. Religious opponents claim that same sex marriage would instigate individuals to pursue their homosexual behaviour instead of looking for help in regards to their sexuality. Other concerns for same sex couples opponents argue that children should be raised by a father and a mother.

Those for same sex marriages consider this right as the fundamental right for an individual (male or female) to marry whoever they want without the prejudice of sexual agenda. However some civil partners suggest that until same sex couples are accepted globally including marriage, civil partnership is a cheap form of marriage perpetuating the feeling of persecution and inequality.

Thursday 2 April 2009


There are so many ways of betrayal i don't know were to begin. If someone trusted you with their most inner secret and you told someone that secret you swore you would not share with anyone would you consider this a form of betrayal? Some people would say that depends on the circumstances however it is part of betrayal.

Here are some quotes about betrayal..

"One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal though...betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope". Steven Deitz

"Anyone who hasn't experienced the ecstasy of betrayal knows nothing about ecstasy" Jeab Genet

Experiencing betrayal can be a bad thing as well as a good thing depending on the situation and what you learn from it.

Tuesday 31 March 2009


This image is seriously disturbing! This is an baby aborted at nine weeks of gestation the question of the morality of this act is open to great debate and controversy.

Some people believe such as Pro-Life activists believe that from the moment of conception the fetus is a human being and to abort the fetus is ethically and morally wrong. However Pro-choice activists claim that the fetus is nothing than a living organism, and the mother has the right to have control over her own body and the choice to have a child or not.

This image speaks a thousand words i leave you to your own opinions and thoughts about abortion?

Monday 30 March 2009


Why do people steal? People steal for a number of reasons this can stem from poverty or simply for the buzz of it. However some individuals shoplift for the profit on a professional level.

Shoplifting is common in young people as well as adults and even famous people. Some teenagers shoplift because they feel unloved by their parents or stressed from the relationship with parents. The death of a family member can trigger this behaviour or peer pressure from friends who tell them to do it. Shoplifting can occur from poor exam results or feeling unattractive and wanting to fit in by wearing the latest fashion. There are many reason why young people shoplift some do it simply for the fun of it.

Approximately fifty five per cent of all adults who shoplift started when they were teenagers. Shoplifting is theft which can lead to a criminal record and even imprisonment in very serious cases.

Saturday 28 March 2009


Incest is when family members i.e. brother or sister have sexual intercourse, it is something that is morally wrong and is a criminal offence in Great Britain which can lead to imprisonment.

This is the man Josef Fritzl from Austria who kept his daughter imprisoned in a dungeon for twenty five years repeatedly raping her. His daughter Elizabeth Fritzl gave birth to seven children after continuously being raped by her father. One of the children died because he refused to seek medical help.

I am sure most of you that read this blog have heard of this horrific story. Incest is morally wrong, this act by this man is beyond my comprehension. Any parent mother and father would protect and care for their children at any cost, to the point they would give their lives for the sake of their children. The word father should not be associated with this man never mind human being.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Body Modification

In week eight of being bad we discussed the topic what is body modification i found this subject interesting because i have several tattoos myself. It was quite invigorating to see how far some people will go to change their body in a number of ways i thought were not possible. Some images that were displayed of BM were bizarre and disturbing. However there are a number of reasons why people and groups modify their bodies.

By changing the body from its original design is body modification, tattooing and piercing are the two most common form of body modification. There are numerous forms of (BM) body modification which are acceptable in today society such as body building, plastic surgery, make up, dieting, yoga, and body painting. These are all methods of changing of the body from its original state.

Reason for body modification can vary from rebellious reasons to show negativity towards social laws and agenda. Belonging to a particular group or society. BM can be for simple reasons such as fashion, attractiveness and sexuality. BM can show a persons family history, inscribing the body with clear messages and meaning.

Other reasons for BM can be related to belief and religious reasons, which can be a integral part of a religious celebration. BM can be used has a mechanism of control to withdraw or obtain control over a individual, for example the possession and identification of slaves and prisoners.

Despite the various forms of BM being accepted it is however considered deviant and morally wrong by religious groups like Judaism and Christianity. These religions believe that any type of alternation of the human body is wrong and unjust to God.

Groups such as Subgroups also that of class have associated and implemented BM they are then considered or viewed upon as common, dangerous linked to criminality and psychological problems. Sexual groups like the gay and lesbian community are also linked to BM.

An individual or groups have tattoos or any other form of body modification for different reasons be it personal or religious reasons. A person should not be misjuged from their appearance because of a tattoo or any type of body modification.

Sunday 22 February 2009


In week 4 of being bad we discussed the issue on infidelity, i found this topic interesting as i discovered their is a diverse opinion on the moral aspect of cheating on your partner.

Is infidelity wrong? Well that depends on the situation between two people in a relationship but in my opinion it is morally wrong and if you decide to do the dirty on your partner, you should do the right thing and break up with your partner first. This saves the heartache and embarrassment of the person you were contemplating on cheating on. Trust me i know from experience

Saturday 21 February 2009

Is smoking bad for you? yes it is

The conception that smoking is considered cool is naive and foolish, why would you think smoking is cool when it is bad for your health, stinks and can be very addictive never mind the expense it will cost you to maintain this destructive habit. Yes we do have a choice and the liberty of freedom to indulge in whatever we want in the boundaries of the british law. However in the younger generation of today's society there is a high percentage of under age smoking this problem needs to be dealt with. Tighter restrictions and regulations into purchasing cigarettes, more education in schools in the home about smoking and the consequences of being a smoker. Here are some facts to enlighten those who think it is cool or cannot kick this filthy habit.

An estimated 106,000 people die in the United Kingdom of cancer COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and heart disease. The nicotine drug stimulates the brain the longer you smoke the more dependent you become on cigarettes, this can lead to cravings, eagerness, migraines, irritability and lack of concentration. The tar in cigarettes is very lethal as this chemical contains over four thousand chemicals over fifty of them are causes of cancer and poison which effect the blood vessels and lungs. Carbon monoxide chemicals affects the oxygen disrupting the flow of blood pump around the body.

Basically you are destroying your temple spiritually and physically and the earlier you smoke the longer you smoke the quicker you will be in your grave!

Friday 13 February 2009

being drunk

In week 12 0f being bad the class should visit a pub in the city of Wolverhampton to observe the behavior of individuals who are drunk or consume to much alcohol. Analyse how individuals interact with other people who are drunk in the pub and how they react with individuals who are not drunk IE friends and family. Why do people and the young generation think it is cool and exciting to be drunk and why it is becoming a trend for especially teenagers in today's society. What are the consequences of consuming to much alcohol and its long term effects. This is a good way to observe individuals being bad intoxicated by alcohol.